mardi 25 mars 2008

Participants' reactions.

We have received many positive reactions.

Amy: "Thank you very much for this. It was such an interesting day and on a local authority level has given me much food for thought. I have already met with our IT support to see about organising a virtual learning space for partner schools in Rotherham and St Quentin."

Bevelyn: "Thanks for a successful and very useful course. Well done for all the hard work invested in organising it. I am very interested in the court metrage and would like to request for a copy of a cd and would also like to be informed of future events."

Sarah: "Thank you so much for a really enjoyable and informative day. I have come away feeling excited and inspired to put some of the ideas into practice. "

Steve: "Just a quick note to say thank you to you and your colleagues for organising an informative and enjoyable day. I know the day was useful because I took a lot of notes! I have many ideas to follow up."

Chris: "Thursday was great - a really interesting programme and a really nice atmosphere - thanks for all the organisation! Particularly enjoyed the video-conference!"

Leslie: "Je voulais juste vous envoyer des felicitations pour tout le travail presenter a la conference de jeudi. C'etait GENIALement organise. J'aimerais bien avoir un de vos techniciens qui vient a ma rescousse a cette vitesse quand l'equipement dans ma classe ne fonctionne pas. (c'est trop souvent!) Vous etiez tous supers!
L'accueil etait fantastique, les conferenciers etaient super enthousiastes, L'equipe etait disponible et a notre service, on ne peut rever mieux.
Je suis rentree avec des idees plein la tete, des projets et des envies geniales. Malheureusement la realite va tomber a l'eau quand je presenterai le tout dans mon departement mardi.
Mais merci pour tout. Je souhaite revenir vous voir pour une prochaine conference.
So keep me posted!"

Don: "Just a brief word of thanks for organising last week's conference - something I found absolutely inspirational ! Coming from a small primary school where we have no language specialists - and where most of the teaching staff, including me, are acutely conscious of their own linguistic shortcomings - the timing could not have been better. Certainly, I returned to school full of enthusiasm, inspired by some excellent speakers. Do let me know if you organise something like this again."

Brigitte: " I would like to say a big thank you for the very stimulating and inspiring conference you organised last Thursday. I really hope this is the first of many. To me, as a consultant, these sessions are extremely valuable. I am now going to organise different meetings to pass on what I have learned and share all this new information and excellent ideas with many more teachers."

Véronique: "C'etait vraiment tres interessant.
Le processus de videoconference etait particulierement bien explique. D'habitude, on lance des idees et on ne decoupe pas forcement la demarche, ce
qui n'est pas bien efficace.
Ce qui etait aussi tres bien pour les profs non specialistes, c'etait l'idee de faire faire des ressources de langue par les profs dans leur langue maternelle pour les
profs de la langue etrangere."

Nicky: "Thank you for the "one week after letter", and indeed, of course, for the event itself. I am looking forward to trying some new activities in class based on new ideas from the event."